Monday, September 25, 2006


havent got jay chou's new album Still Fantasy but got all the songs from it? (i wonder why, u PIRATE!) want to sing along to ur fav songs from his album but dun have the lyrics?

WELL FEAR NOT because DesperadoZ is always here to help all u loyal blog readers out. here are all the lyrics! WHOOHOO YES ALL. and since im adding to my collection of his songs at the supercooool mp3 player at the bottom of the page, u can just play the song and sing along!

WHOOHOOO promos stress reliever x10.

u can simply just tag a thanks on my tagboard if u appreciate it. :)

BTW: CHECK OUT the 3 new cao ge songs in the mp3 playlist. these are actually YouTube videos and i ripped the audio from them to put it here. saved all the trouble of loading the videos for u pple!!! =D enjoy. what more can i say about cao ge. PRO.

p.s. one of the files is him singing Hei Se You Mo. This is one of the MOST DIFFICULT songs jay chou has sung before and cao ge totally owned it. sang 100x better than Jay Chou LOL.

周杰伦《依然范特西Still Fantasy》歌词集

OP…Alfa Music Publishing Co.Ltd. ISRC CN-E04-06-383-01/AJ6
词: 黄俊郎 曲: 周杰伦
编曲: 钟兴民、林迈可 (Michael Lin)
制作人: 周杰伦 女声: 潘儿 (Room19)
合声编写: 周杰伦 合声: 周杰伦
弦乐编写: 钟兴民 Programmer: 魏百谦
弦乐团: 中国爱乐 录音工程: 杨瑞代、林迈可 (Michael Lin)
混音录音室: 杨大纬录音工作室 弦乐录音师: 李岳松(北京)、魏百谦(台北)
弦乐录音室: 计划生育录音室(北京)、Room19 Studio (台北)

1983年小巷 12月晴朗 夜的第七章 
打字机继续推向 接近事实的那下一行
石楠烟斗的雾 飘向枯萎的树
贝克街旁的圆形广场 盔甲骑士臂上
鸢尾花的徽章 微亮
无人马车声响 深夜的拜访
邪恶 在维多利亚的月光下 血色的开场

消失的手枪 焦黑的手杖
融化的蜡像 谁不在场 珠宝箱上 符号的假象
矛盾通往 他堆砌的死巷 证据被完美埋葬
那嘲弄苏格兰警场 的嘴角上扬

如果邪恶 是华丽残酷的乐章
(那么正义 是深沉无奈的惆怅)
它的终场 我会 亲手写上
(那我就点亮 在灰烬中的微光)
晨曦的光 风干最后一行忧伤
(那么雨滴 会洗净黑暗的高墙)
黑色的墨 染上安详
(散场灯关上 红色的布幕下降)

事实只能穿向 没有脚印的土壤
突兀的细微花香 刻意显眼的服装
动机也只有一种名字 那叫做欲望

越过人性的沼泽 谁真的可以不被弄脏
我们可以 遗忘 原谅 但必须知道真相 
被移动过的铁床 那最后一块图终于拼上

我听见脚步声 预料的软皮鞋跟
他推开门 晚风晃了 煤油灯一阵 
西敏寺的夜空 开始沸腾

在胸口绽放 艳丽的死亡

如果邪恶 是华丽残酷的乐章
(那么正义 是深沉无奈的惆怅)
它的终场 我会 亲手写上
(那我就点亮 在灰烬中的微光)
晨曦的光 风干最后一行忧伤
(那么雨滴 会洗净黑暗的高墙)
黑色的墨 染上安详
(散场灯关上 红色的布幕下降)

OP…Alfa Music Publishing Co.Ltd. ISRC CN-E04-06-383-02/AJ6
词: 周杰伦 曲: 周杰伦
编曲: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)、洪敬尧
制作人: 周杰伦 合声编写: 周杰伦
合声: 周杰伦 Programmer: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)
录音工程: 杨瑞代 录音室: ALFA STUDIO
混音工程: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)

小朋友 你是否有很多问号
为什么 别人在那看漫画
我却在学画画 对著钢琴说话
别人在玩游戏 我却KAO在墙壁背我的ABC
长大後你就会开始懂了这段话 长大後我开始明白
为什么我跑的比别人快 飞的比别人高
将来大家看的都是我画的漫画 大家唱的都是我写的歌
妈妈的辛苦 不让你看见 温暖的食谱 在她心里面
有空就多多 握握她的手 把手牵著一起梦游

听妈妈的话 别让她受伤
想快快长大 才能保护她
美丽的白发 幸福中发芽
天使的魔法 温暖中慈祥

音乐是你的王牌 拿王牌谈个恋爱
还是听妈妈的话吧 晚点在恋爱吧
我知道你未来的路 但妈比我更清楚
但我建议最好写 妈妈我会用功读书
不想你输 所以要叫你用功读书

妈妈织给你的毛衣 你要好好地收著
对了 我会遇到了周润发
所以你可以跟同学炫耀 赌神未来是你爸爸
我找不到童年写的情书 你写完不要送人
你会开始喜欢上流行歌 因为张学友开始准备唱吻别

听妈妈的话 别让她受伤
想快快长大 才能保护她
美丽的白发 幸福中发芽
天使的魔法 温暖中慈祥
听妈妈的话 别让她受伤
想快快长大 才能保护她

OP…Alfa Music Publishing Co.Ltd. ISRC CN-E04-06-383-03/AJ6
词: 方文山 曲: 周杰伦
编曲: 林迈可 (Michael Lin) 制作人: 周杰伦
Programmer: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)
录音工程: 杨瑞代 录音室: ALFA STUDIO
混音工程: 林迈可 (Michael Lin) 混音录音室: ALFA STUDIO

屋檐如悬崖 风铃如沧海 我等燕归来
时间被安排 演一场意外 你悄然走开
故事在城外 浓雾散不开 看不清对白
你听不出来 风声不存在 是我在感慨
梦醒来 是谁在窗台 把结局打开
那薄如蝉翼的未来 经不起谁来拆
我送你离开 千里之外 你无声黑白
沉默年代 或许不该 太遥远的相爱

我送你离开 天涯之外 你是否还在
琴声何来 生死难猜 用一生 去等待
闻泪声入林 寻梨花白 只得一行 青苔
天在山之外 雨落花台 我两鬓斑白(我等你来)

一身琉璃白 透明著尘埃 你无瑕的爱
你从雨中来 诗化了悲哀 我淋湿现在
芙蓉水面采 船行影犹在 你却不回来
被岁月覆盖 你说的花开 过去成空白
梦醒来 是谁在窗台 把结局打开
那薄如蝉翼的未来 经不起谁来拆
我送你离开 千里之外 你无声黑白
沉默年代 或许不该 太遥远的相爱
我送你离开 天涯之外 你是否还在
琴声何来 生死难猜 用一生
我送你离开 千里之外 你无声黑白
沉默年代 或许不该 太遥远的相爱
我送你离开 天涯之外 你是否还在
(合)用一生 去等待

OP…Alfa Music Publishing Co.Ltd. ISRC CN-E04-06-383-04/AJ6
词: 方文山 曲: 周杰伦
编曲: 林迈可 制作人: 周杰伦
Programmer: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)
录音工程: 林迈可 (Michael Lin) 录音室: VIP STUDIO
混音工程: 林迈可 (Michael Lin) 混音录音室: VIP STUDIO

如果华陀再世 崇洋都被医治
外邦来学汉字 激发我民族意识
马钱子 决明子 苍耳子 还有莲子
黄药子 苦豆子 川楝子 我要面子
用我的方式 改写一部历史
没什么别的事 跟著我 念几个字
山药 当归 枸杞go 山药 当归 枸杞go
看我抓一把中药 服下一帖骄傲

我表情悠哉 跳个大概 动作轻松自在 你学不来
霓虹的招牌 调整好状态 在华丽的城市 等待醒来
我表情悠哉 跳个大概 用书法书朝代 内力传开
豪气挥正楷 给一拳对白 结局平躺下来 看谁厉害

练成什么丹 揉成什么丸
鹿茸切片不能太薄 老师傅的手法不能这样乱抄
龟苓膏 云南白药 还有冬虫夏草
自己的音乐自己的药 份量刚刚好
听我说中药苦 抄袭应该更苦
快翻开本草纲目 多看一些善本书
蟾苏 地龙 已翻过江湖
这些老祖宗的辛苦 我们一定不能输
就是这个光 就是这个光 一起唱
(就是这个光 就是这个光)
让我来调个偏方 专治你媚外的内伤
已扎根千年的汉方 有别人不知道的力量

我表情悠哉 跳个大概 动作轻松自在 你学不来
霓虹的招牌 调整好状态 在华丽的城市 等待醒来
我表情悠哉 跳个大概 用书法书朝代 内力传开
豪气挥正楷 给一拳对白 结局平躺下来 看谁厉害

蹲 小僵屍蹲 小僵屍蹲 又蹲 小僵屍蹲 暗巷点灯
又蹲 小僵屍蹲 钻萝卜坑 又蹲 小僵屍蹲 念咒语哼

OP…Alfa Music Publishing Co.Ltd. ISRC CN-E04-06-383-05/AJ6
词: 宋健彰 曲: 周杰伦
编曲: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)
制作人: 周杰伦 合声编写: 周杰伦 合声: 周杰伦
吉他: 林迈可 (Michael Lin) Programmer: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)
录音工程: 杨瑞代、林迈可 (Michael Lin)
录音室: ALFA STUDIO、VIP STUDIO 混音工程: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)

天空灰得像哭过 离开你以后
并没有 更自由

酸酸的空气 嗅出我们的距离
一幕锥心的结局 像呼吸般无法停息

抽屉泛黄的日记 榨干了回忆

你我的过去 被顺时针地忘记
缺氧过后的爱情 粗心的眼泪是多余

我知道你我都没有错 只是忘了怎么退后
信誓旦旦给了承诺 却被时间扑了空

我知道我们都没有错 只是放手会比较好过
最美的爱情 回忆里待续

OP…Alfa Music Publishing Co.Ltd. ISRC CN-E04-06-383-06/AJ6
词: 周杰伦 曲: 周杰伦
编曲: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)
制作人: 周杰伦 Nylon吉他: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)
Programmer: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)
录音工程: 杨瑞代、林迈可 (Michael Lin)
录音室: ALFA STUDIO、VIP STUDIO 混音工程: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)

中国风的歌曲 有增无减 是好是坏 问方文山最清楚
从娘子唱到双截棍 东风破到发如雪
一路走来 始终如一 多样的的曲风 独爱中国风

我坚持风格 我活在我的世界 谁都插不上嘴
唱反调 是我的本性 出其不意 是我的个性
就算我站在山顶 也只不过是个平民老百姓
但我的肩膀 会有两块空地 那就是 勇气与毅力
哼哼哈兮 哼哼哈兮 哼哼哈兮 哼哼哈兮
下坡的路 不费工夫 别人已经帮你铺路 但我选择上坡 因为我取名叫自负
谦虚和那虚伪 就差一个字 有时有点分不清 因为我喜欢真实的自己

我不能够后退 因为不是绿叶 如果只是点缀 愿当皎洁明月
小草等待风吹 不用KAO你的背 假如天会很黑 我会请嫦娥奔月

为什么写这首歌 我现在还找不到动机 不过用心听下去 你会觉得更有意义
如果你对未来产生恐惧 眼前雾蒙蒙一片 那是因为你没把眼镜给擦干净
勇敢走下去 这首歌会陪你前进
我常常在想 宇宙只有一颗太阳 为什么我的影子这么多 这么想
战胜幻像 和我一样 喜欢模仿 的朋友们 崇拜是件好事 欣赏是种美德
但走在我后面 我很担心 别人会看不起你 到最后 只是一个接一个的分身
这样的鼓励 是否太直接太讽刺 老师在讲 到底有没有在听啊
我告诉你 做自己胜于跟太紧 最大的敌人 就是那内心的自己

我不能够后退 因为不是绿叶 如果只是点缀 愿当皎洁明月
小草等待风吹 不用KAO你的背 假如天会很黑 我会请嫦娥奔月

哎呦哎呦喔 哎呦哎呦喔喔 哎呦哎呦喔 哎呦哎呦喔喔
哎呦哎呦喔 哎呦哎呦喔喔 哎呦哎呦喔 哎呦哎呦喔喔

OP…Alfa Music Publishing Co.Ltd. ISRC CN-E04-06-383-07/AJ6
词: 方文山 曲: 周杰伦
编曲: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)
制作人: 周杰伦 合声编写: 周杰伦 合声: 周杰伦
Programmer: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)
弦乐编写: 钟兴民 Programmer: 魏百谦 弦乐团: 中国爱乐
混音工程: 林迈可 (Michael Lin)
混音录音室: VIP STUDIO 弦乐录音师: 李岳松(北京)、魏百谦(台北)
弦乐录音室: 计划生育录音室(北京)、Room19 Studio (台北)

橡树的绿叶啊 白色的竹篱笆 好想告诉我的她 这里像幅画
去年的圣诞卡 镜子里的胡渣 画面开始没有她 我还在装傻
说好为我泡花茶 学习摆刀Cha 学生宿舍空荡荡的家 守着电话 却等不到她

心里的雨倾盆而下 也沾不湿她的发
泪晕开 明信片上的牵挂 那伤心原来没有时差
心里的雨倾盆而下 却始终淋不到她
寒风经过院子里的枝桠 也冷却了我手中的鲜花

OP…Alfa Music Publishing Co.Ltd. ISRC CN-E04-06-383-08/AJ6
词: 周杰伦 曲: 周杰伦
编曲: 蔡科俊Again 制作人: 周杰伦
合声编写: 周杰伦 合声: 周杰伦
吉他: 蔡科俊Again 鼓: 陈柏州
弦乐编写: 钟兴民 Programmer: 魏百谦 弦乐团: 中国爱乐
录音工程: 杨瑞代、柯宗佑 录音室: ALFA STUDIO、杨大纬录音工作室
混音工程: 杨大纬 混音录音室: 杨大纬录音工作室
弦乐录音师: 李岳松(北京)、魏百谦(台北)
弦乐录音室: 计划生育录音室(北京)、Room19 Studio (台北)

白色的风车 安静的转着 真实的感觉 梦境般遥远
甜甜的海水 复杂的眼泪 看你傻笑着 握住我的手
梦希望没有尽头 我们走到这就好 因为我不想太快走完这幸福
很可惜没有祝福 当家爱你并不孤独 不会再让你哭

我背你走到最后 能不能不要回头 你紧紧地抱住我 说你不需要承诺
你说我若一个人会比较自由 我不懂你说什么 反正不会松手
我背你走到最后 能不能别想太多 会不会手牵着手 晚一点再到尽头
你说不该再相见 只为了瞬间 谢谢你让我听见 因为我在等待永远

OP…Alfa Music Publishing Co.Ltd. ISRC CN-E04-06-383-09/AJ6
词: 方文山 曲: 周杰伦
编曲: 钟兴民 制作人: 周杰伦
合声编写: 周杰伦 合声: 周杰伦
吉他: 蔡科俊Again
弦乐编写: 钟兴民 Programmer: 魏百谦 弦乐团: 中国爱乐
录音工程: 杨瑞代 录音室: ALFA STUDIO
混音工程: 杨大纬 混音录音室: 杨大纬录音工作室
弦乐录音师: 李岳松(北京)、魏百谦(台北)
弦乐录音室: 计划生育录音室(北京)、Room19 Studio (台北)

你的嘴角 微微上翘 性感的无可救药
想像不到 如此心跳 你的一切都想要
软性的饮料 上升的气泡 我将对你的喜好 一瓶装全喝掉
这里最不缺就是热闹 你煽情给拥抱
烛火在燃烧 有某种情调 眼神失焦了几秒
关于你的舞蹈 你慵懒的扭动著腰 受不了
你随风飘扬的笑 有迷迭香的味道 语带薄荷味的撒娇 对我发出恋爱的讯号
你优雅的像一只猫 动作轻逸的围绕 爱的甜味蔓延发酵 暧昧来的刚好

软性的饮料 上升的气泡 我将对你的喜好 一瓶装全喝掉
这里最不缺就是热闹 你煽情给拥抱
烛火在燃烧 有某种情调 眼神失焦了几秒
关于你的舞蹈 你慵懒的扭动著腰 受不了
你随风飘扬的笑 有迷迭香的味道 语带薄荷味的撒娇 对我发出恋爱的讯号
你优雅的像一只猫 动作轻逸的围绕 爱的甜味蔓延发酵 暧昧来的刚好

你的嘴角 微微上翘 性感的无可救药
想象不到 如此心跳 你的一切都想要
你的唇膏 鲜艳讨好 一股自信的骄傲
什么预兆 气氛微妙 因为爱你我知道
预兆 气氛微妙 因为爱你我知道

OP…Alfa Music Publishing Co.Ltd. ISRC CN-E04-06-383-10/AJ6
词: 方文山 曲: 周杰伦
编曲: 钟兴民 制作人: 周杰伦 吉他: 蔡科俊Again
弦乐编写: 钟兴民 Programmer: 魏百谦 弦乐团: 中国爱乐
录音工程: 杨瑞代 录音室: ALFA STUDIO
混音工程: 杨大纬 混音录音室: 杨大纬录音工作室
弦乐录音师: 李岳松(北京)、魏百谦(台北)
弦乐录音室: 计划生育录音室(北京)、Room19 Studio (台北)

你的泪光 柔弱中带伤 惨白的月弯弯 勾住过往
夜太漫长 凝结成了霜 是谁在阁楼上 冰冷的绝望
雨轻轻弹 朱红色的窗 我一生在纸上 被风吹乱
梦在远方 化成一缕香 随风飘散 你的模样

菊花残 满地伤 你的笑容已泛黄 花落人断肠 我心事 静静淌
北风乱 夜未央 你的影子剪不断 徒留我孤单 在湖面成双

花 已向晚 飘落了灿烂 凋谢的世道上 命运不堪
愁莫渡江 秋心拆两半 怕你上不了岸 一辈子摇晃
谁的江山 马蹄声狂乱 我一身的戎装 呼啸沧桑
天微微亮 你轻声地叹 一夜惆怅 如此委婉

菊花残 满地伤 你的笑容已泛黄 花落人断肠 我心事 静静淌
北风乱 夜未央 你的影子剪不断 徒留我孤单 在湖面成双

Sunday, September 24, 2006


hello i am back. lol how apt that i have picked up the updating during promo period. lol.

TRUTH IS, please STOP MUGGING, pple!

u see, u all mug = put stress on others who have already mugged so hard and feel like taking a break. like me. then we will be so stressed we decide not to rest and go mug too. then more and more mug. and everyone mugs more than the root beer (haha).

it's wrong. so if u are reading this NOW, PUT UR NOTES ASIDE and listen up.

TONIGHT is pure fun. SINGAPORE IDOL FINALS. 8pm. hady will own some ass.period. jonathan leong goes home crying, and so does shawn tan when he finds out his beloved jonathan doesnt win.

SECOND THING. CHECK OUT this really cool mp3 player at the bottom of the page. no more lame ass basic windows media shit. this is real. and i can store UNLIMITED number of songs which LOAD REALLY FREAKING FAST. so no more waiting and more song choices! just double click and it plays straight away. how cool is that. and u get to see DesperadoZ's exquisite music taste. hahahahaha.

tempted to put the whole jay chou's new album here. lol. we shall see. oh btw the uploading of the songs are really freaking fast as well.

talking about the songs check out the song Showstopper by new girl band Danity Kane. i saw the music video on MTV a few days back and i was like HOLY SHIT who are those hot chicks are they the Pussycat Dolls?

turns out no. Danity Kane is a girl band formed from the reality TV series Making The Band, created by none other than P. Diddy. and the girls are freaking hot, much hotter than the PCD, and the song is catchy and nice. ENJOY. (the pics as well =D)

Friday, September 22, 2006

free movie tickets AGAIN

lol barely a week after i wasted a pair of The Haunted Apartment tickets worth $16, i have struck gold again.

u see, DesperadoZ is a well-known SUPPORTER of original goods. STRICTLY no piracy whatsoever. thus i am a HIP friend. lol i think i signed up during primary school or sth? or sec 1? cant remember. i even got my own HIP FRIEND CARD.

they have their own website too,

i signed up as a member there rather recently, and it so happened that they had some crazy triple movie giveaway cause it's their 3rd year anniversary. just a click of the mouse and u entered ur account into the draw for free tickets.

and yes i received this email:

Dear HIP Friend,

Congratulations! You have won yourself a pair of tickets to catch the exclusive premiere of the Chinese Blockbuster "Rob-B-Hood" starring Jackie Chan and Louis Koo. Movie screening will be held on 27 September at 7pm at Shaw Bugis (Hall 3), Bugis Junction. Kindly approach the counter set up by Power 98FM to collect your tickets. Please present your NRIC and this email upon collection. Should you not be able to attend the screening, you can transfer your tickets by presenting a letter of authorisation.

Have a great time at the movie!
Best regards,
HIP Website Administrator

great. right SMACK in the middle of promos. lol thursday morning chem paper somemore. WHO WANTS TO GO? hahahahaha.

dunno lah. mug. in the meantime enjoy another song from Jay Chou's new album. this one is called Xin Yu.


i was just doing maths just now and i thought of ANOTHER QUESTION to add to my famous list of DesperadoZ's top (dunno how many) questions!

If a McChicken costs $2, how much does a Maclaurin cost?

i smsed a few pple in class and the replies were shocking.

"Infinite.. Since power series is infinite.." -- Shawn Tan

"Zero cos u differentiate 2 wrt x" -- James Chan

"Duno la. Wah siao you're damn free la" -- Wenxin


"Lolz! Studied too much chem liaoz! But quite funny lah!" -- TAN YI XUAN

"Uh.. How much?" -- NG SIQI KELLY

(side info for those not in my class: these questions are added randomly, at anytime, anywhere, as long as a spark hits me i grab THE questions book i usually carry around and jot it down. the questions range from the totally baseless and lame to the really witty and humourous. enjoy.)

the list so far: COPYRIGHT 2006 DesperadoZ.

DesperadoZ's top (dunno how many) questions: (bold represents personal favourties)

1) How old is Chang Kee?

2) What did the Ghost Whisper?

3) How secretive is Colonel's Recipe?

4) What did the Bread Talk about?

5) Who did G Shock?

6) What's the name of the baby G?

7) How Sweet are the Secrets?

8) How Quick is Silver?

9) What is the length of a Shorthand?

10) Where is 77th street?

11) Who did Billa bong?

12) How did Rip curl?

13) How did Just do it?

14) If a McChicken costs $2, how much does a Maclaurin cost?

Monday, September 18, 2006

handphone fact #2

Imagine your cellbattery is very low, you are expecting an important call and you don't have a charger. The Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate, press the keys *3370#

Your cell will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase inbattery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell next time.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


yo yo yo im back.

feeling quite high, chelsea just BEAT liverpool 1-0 and i won my bet against yi rui once again. man utd's going against relegation threatened (lol) arsenal next and man utd's gonna whoop ass as well.

ANYWAYS i can host songs again! so here is the very first one to kick it all off. it's straight from Jay Chou's LATEST album, still fantasy. this is track number 5 and it is damn freaking nice it's called Tui Hou.

ENJOY. and mug hard. after promos im gonna post interesting, really interesting stuff.

enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyy. tui hou, jay chou, latest album. GO GET IT.


i just received a really cool email with facts about handphones i never knew before. and since my blog is so goddam popular (right) i thought i would try to spread this useful piece of info:

If you have locked your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone.

Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person
at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their

Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you.
Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach
someone who has the other remote keys for your car, you can unlock the
doors (or the trunk).

DAMN COOL la i didnt know that. okay im gonna try it out lol.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


okay. heres another sick video. another break from all the hard work mugging and chionging PW.

scenario : u always see all the different blogs spamming different youtube videos. and u are probably LAZY to watch all of them. so how?

simple solution : COME TO cause it's ONLY here that u get the best and most unbelievable videos, which are really worth watching.

i watched this part on AXN last week. during some Criss Angel special. in case u didnt know, Criss Angel's an american professional magician. very very pro. although i think David Blaine's much better, criss angel simply outdid david blaine with this stunt.

david blaine levitated in front of an audience.

criss angel? well, he levitated and travelled across 2 buildings. enjoy.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


HEY PEEPS. okay promos coming up, thus the lagging in updates. but fear not cause every post is guaranteed fun. including this.

this post is abt a girl named Bianca Ryan. i read abt her in the news the other time, she's 11 and she won the talent show America's Got Talent. heard she's damn pro but didnt really check out abt her.. until this morning.

went to google and searched "Bianca Ryan" and out popped the youtube video showing her performance.

watch it for urself, and remember not to cry. it's hard not to. SICK.

bianca ryan's 1st performance in the show, during the auditions

bianca ryan's 2nd performance in the show, during the semi finals

bianca ryan's 3rd performance in the show, FINALS

results show

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

steve irwin, u will always be remembered

Monday, September 04, 2006

wtf sad news.

Staffers at Steve Irwin's park in shock after Crocodile Hunter dies
BEERWAH, Australia

They call Australia Zoo the house that Steve Irwin built. On Monday, it lost its star attraction.

Hundreds of employees, many wiping tears from their eyes as they drove past the zoo exit on their way home from work, were saddened by the news that their employer, 44-year-old Irwin, died after being stung by a stingray barb in a diving accident about 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles) north off Port Douglas on the Great Barrier Reef.

"We're all pretty shocked by this mate, just bear with us," a security guard who did not want to be named said as he attempted to separate zoo-goers from dozens of media that descended on the site about 70 kilometers (45 miles) north of the state capital Brisbane.

Within hours, small satellite transmission centers were set up near the highway that runs in front of the zoo as TV networks broadcast news from the site.

Towering over the satellite dishes and TV trucks was a large billboard of Steve Irwin wrestling a crocodile, his head extending over the top of the board, and his famous catchword "Crikey" emblazoned across the oversized poster.

Residents, many of whom had grown up with Irwin and his family and watched the zoo grow from a small crocodile farm in the early 1970s started by Steve's father Bob, to a 360-employee theme park known around the world, stopped by with increasing regularity throughout the afternoon.

"Steve, from all God's creatures thank you. Rest in peace," one person wrote on a card attached to a bouquet of native Australian flowers.

A card, obviously written by a child, said: "To the Crocodile Hunter. We will miss you. Becky and Ryan Middleton." It signed off with "XX, OO" - kisses and hugs.

Dozens of cars and trucks honked their horns in tribute as they drove down the highway.

A woman and her two young daughters crossed the road just before nightfall, the youngest girl with tears streaming down her face and clutching three or four crayoned cartoons she had just completed of the Crocodile Hunter.

Paula Kelly, originally from England, is a volunteer at the zoo, originally known as the Queensland Reptile and Fauna Park.

"We're all very shocked. I don't know what the zoo will do without him," said Kelly. "He's done so much for us, the environment and it's a big loss."

Alex Bauer, 25, of Cologne, Germany, visited the zoo Monday but was unaware that Irwin had died until he'd left the grounds.

"There was no indication from inside that anything had happened. We saw a lot of helicopters flying overhead, but we didn't know anything until we hit the gates."

While the zoo, which features over 1,000 animals on nearly 25 hectares (60 acres) of natural bushland, was the Irwin family's pride and joy, it was also the scene of one of Steve Irwin's biggest publicity blunders.

Two years ago, Irwin held his 1-month-old son, Bob, in one arm while feeding large crocodiles inside a zoo pen. Irwin said at the time there was no danger to his son and in later interviews, laughed off the incident.

His American wife, Terri Irwin, daughter Bindi Sue, 8, and Bob, who will turn 3 in December, are expected to return to their home near Australia Zoo after Irwin's body is returned from Cairns in northern Queensland in the next several days.

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